I love engagement sessions and the beautiful love stories that come with them! Today I'm sharing an engagement session from Banff wedding photographer, B.D.F.K Photoraphy that is ridiculously adorable, full of emotion, and captured in the most amazing photos ever. Ashley and Jonathan are seriously one of the cutest couples, they are full of life, energy and laughter and their photographer captured all of this energy and bottled it up into the most amazing photographs.
Marcin and Dorota at B.D.F.K Photography have an amazing ability to capture beautiful scenery and stunning photos along with the emotion and movement of who the are photographing. If you are looking for a Banff wedding photographer, B.D.F.K Photography is definitely a great choice!!!

What always gets me about engagement sessions is the love story, honestly, love stories never get old or boring, and when I read Ashley and Jonathan's beautiful story and journey, it brought these already amazing photos completely alive. I encourage you to take a minute to read their journey because it will encourage you, it will show you true love and commitment, and it will breathe a bit of goodness into your day!

"Our love story all began summer of 2008, Jonathan and I met at my parents cabin in Boyle, Alberta where I spent every summer hanging out with the "Boyle Boys." One evening Jonathan showed up at the campfire and guess what, we connected right away! After that night we spent hours dazing the stars, talking, 4X4ing and laughing up storms mean less to say, It was history after that!
Our love story didn't start off perfectly as I got diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in 2009 and the last thing I wanted him to see, was me ill. Soon enough I realized he wasn't going anywhere and spent countless of hours cheering me up and making me feel like a "normal girl" rather then the "sick girl" I had been feeling like. He gave me the confidence, respect, and that shoulder I needed at the lowest I've ever hit. I can confidentiality say having Jonathan by my side during my illness is one of the many reasons I fell so madly in love with him. It's not anybody you can trust when you're bald, frail, and gained lots of weight, yet he somehow made me feel confident, sexy and myself?!
It has now been 6 years since my diagnosis and I am proud to announce I have been healthier then ever and Jonathan and I have grown together as a team and decided to dedicate our lives to a healthier lifestyle. Jonathan got down on one knee February 14th, 2015 and I am so beyond excited to continue on being his best friends, and someday his baby mama, and most importantly his wife and partner in crime. I look forward to all the 1st times, the stepping-stones, and whatever other crazy journeys life takes us on. We know it will not all be peaches and roses but we also know that as a team we are solid and will get through it."

Ashley and Jonathan have such a beautiful love and understanding of marriage and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to experience it through their photos. A huge thank-you to Banff wedding photographers, B.D.F.K. Photography for capturing such emotional and fun photos and sharing this beautiful story with us.
B.D.F.K Photography is a memember of our Love In The Rockies preferred vendors and you can find out more about them in their profile or on their website.